A Poop * k8 *
Paul waved over at Airey...and laughed! Oh Airey! SO funny! "I dressed myself today, Airey! Milton said the poncho was a bit much--he made me iron my joggers too...man hates wrinkles!" He thought it was so funny, ironing joggers. "OH! I wanted to show you what I learned over the summer!" and he raised his right hand and did the Vulcan salute! "I learned it! I practiced all summer!" His face was flushed in excitement. "It took awhile to get my fingers to want to DO this! But I did it--" and he quickly unwrapped the little gift.....
And his eyes stung with tears.
Oh no.
Would he make any feast without crying? It appeared not. "Thank you so much, Airey...it is the best gift I have received...in awhile!" He would drink out of this mug every day! Forever. Until he kicked the bucket.
Oh, look! It was his good friend Justin! Paul smiled and waved. "Hello there, groundskeeper! You're looking handsome and rustic tonight!" Yep. He had that beard going on. Paul could never quite grow a nice looking beard. "And ahhh..I more brought it to bond with my Hufflepuffs. I think they'd enjoy being serenaded! I could serenade you all, too!" If they wanted. He didn't want to bother anyone.
Another new face! [James] But it looked like the man didn't want to talk to him. Hmph. Paul looked down at his poncho. He supposed the new guy was feeling shy. Awww. Paul wondered if he needed a hug! OR some banjo playing! Maybe he'd play the man a song. Make him feel welcome!
Haha, speaking of welcome, it was Leo! His favorite librarian! Paul waved at him eagerly and patted the strap of his banjo. "I do play...I'm in a blue grass band...honestly, none of you KNEW this? We've got quite a few albums under our belt." They were no Agromentula...or Wiggen something or other, or who was the young ones were listening to now? Was is...The Dead Centaurs? Kneazles? Crup? Something along those lines. "Next time we have a gig, you and Cassie and the little one should come." He beamed. "How is Cassie? She doing okay? I'm sending her more presents soon!" Hehe.
...An old person. It was an old person. [Arthur] Paul was thinking about how OLD he was...when he realized....IT WAS SOMEONE HE WENT TO SCHOOL WITH. WHAT IN MERLIN'S NAME? Paul leapt out of his chair, crossing over to talk to the man...did this make PAUL OLD?
Hmph. "...Arthur Newman? Arthur Newman. You were...a Gryffindor..." Paul had exceedingly good memory. See? Not elderly. "I was...four years younger--so you probably don't remember me--" Paul ran a hand through his hair, smirking a bit. "But I was a Ravenclaw...you know, cleverest kid in my class--" Bragging casually, here. Ahem. "But you know." His eyes rolled upward, to Arthur's hair. "Us white-haired fellows must stick together, eh?"
As he made his way back to his seat, he smiled and nodded at Meredith. "Of course! Take your shoes off! Enjoy life! This is your school, after all. We can now have...casual Fridays! Or pink Wednesdays! Mini skirt Thursdays!" he teased, winking as he slipped back into his seat.
And yes, he was keeping an eye on that hag. WHO was she? Should they be concerned? Meredith didn't seem concerned...so he felt slightly less panicked.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |