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Old 01-02-2016, 07:08 AM   #13 (permalink)

Tom's Anime love

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Default Me too. But mentions below XD..
Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator

Henric smiled,"No problem! Take as many as you want." He nodded and pulled back his bags of treats, seeing that she didn't want anymore. Hmm? Probably she wasn't much of a sweettooth, this one. He glanced at the staff table before returning to face her again," I'm not too sure myself,Kaylee..because every term there's always a change of new professors coming to teach in Hogwarts, our new Headmistress will announced them in her speech soon. We just have to wait and see. But I know for sure our head of house professor will teach us Herbology, you'll like him. He's the one with the banjo." Henric pointed to where he was seated at the staff table.

Henric turned towards the kid that was newly sorted to his house. Oh no...its him! The annoying kid he met over at Madam Malkins. Wait...what did he call him?! He eyed the boy,"Its prefect Henric Nicolei to you, Mr..." Henric forgotten his name. Good thing Kaylee mentioned his name the next second,"Mr. this house we address everyone with respect...and yes, I take my prefect duties seriously, if you must know,"he informed him in a tone that he usually did not use unless provoked. He was going to be patient with the boy for now. Henric turned his bright smile upwards once more,"But I must welcome you to Hufflepuff House, here is a pumpkin sweet treats for you, congratulations." He smiled 'cheerily' before turning his attention to more new Hufflepuff first years.

"Hello Carl, is it? Welcome to Hufflepuff! I'm Henric, one of your Hufflepuff prefects, pleasure meeting you too," Henric introduced himself as he hands out more lollipops to the younger boy. "Here take one, its a small gift from me to welcome you to our house! Its a tradition we prefects take seriously."He grinned.

"And you must be Esme! Hello and welcome back! Do you like a a pumpkin sweet treat too? I'm Henric, your new Hufflepuff Prefect for the term." Henric would love to get to know more of his Hufflepuff housemates. He wished to meet all of them before he graduated next term.

Last edited by Symphora; 01-02-2016 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Coding
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