SPOILER!!: Gryffindor pranksters!
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Thomas looked up at the two yes he was tired, "Can't sleep on the train, afraid of crash. It's stupid but its a fear of mine." He sheepishly rubbed his head before looking over at Spencer again. "Well I had to be the hero of course, plus once she jumped into my arms I just couldn't put her down." He threw a smirk at Arista be mad at that Princess. He knew very well that she couldn't be cross with him after that, it was the truth in a way. He glanced over at Spencer and Hope and said "Ready to be sorted?" He chuckled as he looked over at Arista remembering when he was sorted...Arista almost punched him when she thought he was going to be in Slytherin like his brother haha she always was a fiesty one...A scary one when angry, he did not want to be on the other side of her wand. She had seen some of her hexes and they were not nice!
Thomas gave a grin at Hope she thought that ferret was cute and nice..HA!!! It wasn't that thing was evillll!!! He turned to glare at the thing and mumbbled something about it being evil before lifting his head and scooting far from the creature as well as Arista. "I don't know why you bring that thing why not bring Killian he is so much better than that thing." Speaking of which he would have to make sure to go check on his owl when they got to the school.
Spencer looked at Hope and smiled.
"I'm glad you think that I'm really talented, that means alot to me."said Spencer giving her a soft warm smile. Spencer looked at Arista ferret and smiled at it cuteness.
"Your ferret is adorable Arista, I never seen a ferret as cute as this one! "said Spencer.
"I used to have one when I was little, her name was Anastasia."said Spencer. Spencer looked at Thomas and laughed.
"Reminds me of my cousins old rabbit Thumper, that thing we evil, bit you every time you tried to pet it. "said Spencer.
Spencer nodded.
Ah... I see, I'm with that on airplanes, that's why I don't fly them much. "said Spencer.
"Although I love flying on a broomstick, I wouldn't be caught dead flying on a airplane, guess it's has to do with control. "said Spencer shrugging. Spencer nodded.
"I'm honestly a bit nervous about it really, I excited to see where I go but nervous. "said Spencer honestly. Although he wouldn't cafe where he went, but he wanted Gryffindor more then anything , he honestly felt that he was truly a Gryffindor. Although he wondered what the sorting hat thought about what house he belonged in, that he was afraid to find out.
Spencer looked down at the pin Hope gave him and smiled.
"Thanks Hope I love it, and I'm sure you'll be right, you haven't been wrong yet. "said Spencer. He took the pin and placed it on the collar of his shirt, before he looked at her.
"Oh I got something for you to."said Spencer as he dug into his jacket of his pocket. He drew out a mood changing necklace and gave it to her.
"I saw this in the jewelry shop by my house and thought of you, you always told me that my eyes were like a mood ring, so I got it for you. "said Spencer smiling sheepishly at her.