Once Alice's name was called she walked up toward the seat that the hat sat on. Merlin..She was nervous and she was never nervous. But this was different. A hat was about to sit on her head and decide where she belonged based on who she was.
But she was eleven! She didn't even know who she was.. How would a hat?
Deeeeeep breath. In and out. She sat in the seat and the hat was placed atop her head. She was still hoping for Slytherin or Ravenclaw, mostly because she wanted a uniform that looked good with her hair and eyes. Green and Blue would be best.
The hat sat there for a moment or two, muttering something. "GRYFFINDOR!" Shouted the hat.
Alice couldn't help the smile on her face, so what if the color would clash with her hair.. She was a Gryffindor! Like her Brother and her Father!
__________________ BE YOUNG. BE DOPE. BE PROUD. Like an AMERICAN. |