Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Board of Governors President - Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin) Vice President - Ivy Knox (sarahlooo) Treasurer - Harold Lagerty (Harold Lagerty) Secretary - Carter Phillips (LilFox06)
Althea Scabior (Tegz)
Atticus Aldredge (AlwaysSnapesGirl)
Sherman Clark (lemon)
Corineus Vanderbilt (Steelsheen)
Cooper Cope (Hera)
Erik Vinteren (Erik Vinteren) Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmaster - Prof. Meredith Moxley (TakeMeToTheBurrow) School Staff Ancient Runes – VACANT Arithmancy - Prof. Tiara Tanner (hpluvr037)) Astronomy - Prof. Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie) CoMC - Prof. James Draper (ArianaBlack) Charms – Prof. Julien Primeaux (Bazinga) DADA - Prof. Roderik Hirsch (hermionesclone) Divination - VACANT Herbology - Prof. Paul Myers (kayquilz) History of Magic – Prof. Ansley Finch (emjay) Muggle Studies – Prof. Meredith Moxley (TakeMeToTheBurrow) Potions - Prof. Arthur Newton (Jessiqua) Transfiguration – Prof. Nana Ichihara (nicole black) Flying - Prof. Tiara Tanner (hpluvr037) Groundskeeper – Mr. Justin I. McLeod (Charely Potter) Librarian - Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) School Healer (Nurse) – Mrs. Cecelia Murdoch (The1HBIC) School Poltergeist - Peeves School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle House Elves – Algamus, Argyle, Beezley, Nimma, Pips, Quirly, Schmoop, Tinka, Tippin, Toddles Head Boy – Yoongi Hylund (DuckyLinJi) Head Girl – TiaMarie Mancini (PhoenixRising) Gryffindor House Ghost - Sir "Nearly Headless" Nick Head of House - Prof. Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie) House Prefects - Franklin Paton (Zoe), Candice Messer (Poolicious) Hufflepuff House Ghost - The Fat Friar Head of House - Prof. Paul Myers (kayquilz) House Prefects – Henric Nicolei (Symphora), Norah L. Kittredge (Sararara) Ravenclaw House Ghost - The Grey Lady Head of House - Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) House Prefects – Thornton Baines ((AmbiguouslyMe)), Penelope Wright (griffin) Slytherin House Ghost - The Bloody Baron Head of House - Mrs. Cecelia Murdoch (The1HBIC) House Moderator - Mr. Justin I. McLeod (Charely Potter) House Prefects – Hugo Foster (WeasleyGirl), Dot Wojack (Cassirin) Gobstones Club – Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) and Mr. Justin I. McLeod (Charely Potter) Hogsmeade Shopkeepers Dervish & Banges – Saul Bunyons Gladrag’s Wizardwear – Summer Longshadow Hog’s Head Pub – Samuel Huxley Honeydukes – Maisie Windell Madam Puddifoots – Sapphira Puddifoot The Three Broomsticks – Harold Lagerty Scrivenshaft’s – Edina Fairbairn Simply Stylish Salon – Monte Bossa Zonko’s Joke Shop – Emerald McDougal
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
Last edited by Cassirin; 12-31-2015 at 10:47 PM.