of Professor Hirsch If offices were meant to show the essence of someone's personality than boy oh boy, did this room show what Roderik Hirsch was like. Everything was sleek, from the orange tables to the seats and even to the teal coloured desks. There was a certain gleam to everything, as if it had been well polished in advance.
Upon entering the room, the first thing you see is the desk sitting towards the middle of the room. Sitting upon the desk are a number of things: pieces of parchment, quills, ink, your everyday mundane wizarding equipment. What wasn't mundane was the picture of the Hirscch family gathered together at their most recent holiday, where everyone had been forced to wear ugly jumpers. (Thanks Ma)
The one thing the office seems to be in abundance of are chest of drawers. They seem to be everywhere from along a side of a wall to behind the desk and underneath the desk itself. There are also a few Defence books stacked up along the shelves on the left side of the room. Ask nicely, and you might get to borrow some. Might.
Hirsch himself can usually be found sitting behind the desk with his feet propped up onto the desk and shuffling through some piece of parchment or another. Please make sure you've posted in the Seating Area first and have been told that you can enter, either by Hirsch or by me. |