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And THERE was the loud that Chloe was talking about on Gryffindors. It burst out of Dora like a canon and she was genuinely surprised when her head didn't, just, pop straight off. But she was glad of it. The clean up sounded very, very messy.
She offered Dora a small smile and jerked her head in the way of the train, "Come on, then."
The blonde climbed up into the train and automatically began walking toward the back of the train. Far away from other people. Though, she conceded, Dora probably wanted to be semi-close to the action, so she picked a compartment smack in the middle and wandered in.
Dora scurried along behind her FRIEND and waved at a few people here aND there. Hehe. And Chloe was right, of course. Dora ALWAYS wanted to be near the action. ALWAYYYYYSSSSS!
Upon entering the compartment the smaller blonde plopped onto the bench and sprawled out. YASSSS! YAS!
OH! She had ALMOST forgotten. "
I GOT YOU SOMETHING! I saw it this summer and it reminded me of you! " And it had been inexpensive... and yeah. After a little more digging Dora brought out the WONDER WOMAN comic. Hehebe. She had told Chloe she enjoyed Wonder Woman MOST!