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Old 12-29-2015, 02:27 PM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Ravenclaw Golden Eagle RP Challenge!

Golden Eagle RP Challenge!!

Want to find a way to sparkle up your everyday Rpying? Want to get better-in tune with your eagle student self? Or maybe you just want your eagle to be proclaimed in the next yearbook issue to be wittiest eagle of them all? Whichever the reason your Head of House hopes to encourage house spirit, activity and bonding with your peers with this RP challenge!

The Rules:
1.) The point of all this is purely IC FUN and to enthuse you to be creative and RP with new people; may it be other eagles, students of other houses or the School Staff. If you choose to participate then DO these things. Be out of your comfort zone!
2.) This challenge is NOT for house points! There will be a prize(s) at the end of term for the person(s) who has completed the most challenges but what the prize is, is a secret and shouldn’t be the only reason for taking part!
3.) Please do not cheat! If one of the challenges asks you to convince someone to do something or join your character somewhere then go about the convincing IC. It's not fair or right or even the point if you ask someone OOC to do it. Use your eagle wits, smarts and creativity instead! Cheating just makes people upset, hurt and cast blame so please just don't do it!
4.) Remember the world JKR created and our RP in particular preserve a sense of ridiculousness so don't be afraid to be ridiculous sometimes. If you absolutely can't figure out a way to get your student character to do something, then just don't do it! But be open and willing to try! Trying is half the fun!
5.) Participating is completely optional and individual! If you don't want to then you don't have to. There is no minimum limit to how many challenges you must complete. Complete the challenges that you find fun and inspiring and makes you want to get out and RP!
6.) This is all OOC so IC, your characters would know nothing of a challenge!
7.) I play for FUN not to win!

How to Play:
1.) Post in here saying that you want to play! One post per person to keep track of your game in. When you complete a challenge, add in the date completed and links to where you completed it.
Name: Leobald Kitridge
Year: 1st

Completed challenges:
Challenge #1 [ link ] September 1 (with Tiara Tanner, 3rd year, eagle)
and so forth
2.) Get started on the challenges! We've given you 8 to get you started. The time limit to get all the challenges you want to do completed is by March 27th.
3.) You do not have to go by order of challenges.
4.) Your head of house will keep track of points.
5.) Any questions and/or concerns PM them to Nordic Witch

The Challenges:
Rp with another student that is not in your year and you have to incorporate the word blimey or something equally silly in your posts.(4 p)
RP outside the office of a professor/staffer and surprise someone with magic. (5 p)
Rp giving something to a student of another house (3 p)
Rp with a student/professor where your character doesn't make eye contact with the other person. You can focus on the other persons nostrils or mouth or throat or even hands or feet but you have to maintain no eye contact for the entire conversation. (5 p)
Rp with an inanimate object like for example a portrait, a potions ingredient, a plant (3 p)
Rp pulling a silly prank on an unsuspecting victim in the boy/girl dorms in the CR it can for example be crittters in their pillow, toothpaste in their satchel or maybe you've glued their favourite stuffed animal just out of reach etc (4 p)
Rp in an restricted area of the school like the res section of the library or the forbidden forest and if you get caught try with the use of your wits and brains to talk yourself out of possible punishment. Or just get in trouble because its FUN! (5 p)
Rp arriving to a class with your robes put on backwards and a largely eye catchingly engoriod limb. If anyone asks you about it you have to say 'It was the snuffles that did it...' or something similar. Nobody can know you did this to yourself on purpose.. Be smart. (5p)