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"Greg?" he asked still under the desk. That sounded like Greg....he was almost sure. Wait what? Sucking on his finger that had been poked he picked up the last of the paper clips. Weird? Got lost...how in merlin's name did one get lost in the ministry? Just go to a lift and go to one of the floors, right?
"Riddl..." BANG! "Damn" he muttered, rubbing his head again and sighed when the box of paper clips went flying that time when he hit the top of the desk again when Greg shouted.
He heard the voice but he had no idea where it was coming from. "Yes, yes it's me!" Why wasn't he as freaked out about this as he was???? Greg moved over until he saw Gid under the desk. "What are you doing?"
He silently prayed that Gid wasn't crazy too. He would probably have to quit if everyone was. OH NO!!! Hopefully it hadn't spread to Amethyst!! Maybe he should go check on her to be sure....