Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Her mother did not....she just did not.....ugh she did. Ilia wanted to palm her face as she heard her call him Henry again. "Mom, be nice......" She hissed it just loud enough for only her mother to hear, but she looked like a snake that had been poked with her sharp bright eyes aimed warningly. That was her boy, no messing with him except out of love nuh uh. At least Henric was trying to be nice to her.....she knew it could be hard...
Ava was such a cute little girl, though she would never refer to her that way in front of her, she could tell that she was a proud girl. She smiled a little brighter at the younger lioness's compliment. "Thank you Miss Ava, you look adorable today." She really did...Ilia kind of wanted to hug her. "How is your family?" She sort of missed Zhenya...she was a very nice snake to look up to. Was she related to the little boy? He looked like they might be, though she wasn't sure how and she didn't remember seeing him before.
Henric had just gotten so darn tall....she wasn't taller than him even in heels. He scooped her up into a bear hug and her smile got so bright that she may as well have been glowing. She wanted to just kiss him but she squeezed him tight and whispered back. "I miss you too love." When they released she still had a beamy smiled but took a few steps back........time to try to gently shake her mother. Smiling up at her mom, her eyes entreating...."I'll see you for the holidays Ma-ma?" She gestured as if she would like to hug her in the parting sort of way. Oh why did you initiate more conversation with her Henric? That isn't how you get rid of her! When Runa heard her daughter get on to her about her greeting, she nearly wanted to pout. She was trying to be so nice about it too....the being mean to him....He seemed to....actually take it rather well much to her surprise and a bit to her chagrin. "Ooops, sorry Enric. My accent makes me mistake it sometimes. Its harder when its not your first language, yes?" Really that she said in truth, not the oops....and that isn't 'why' she mispronounced it....but it could make that sort of thing harder and English was like her fifth language....although that name was like so Russian or something.
How was she? I'd be better if you weren't so close to my child ragamuffin. Although he was starting to look considerably less scruffy, maybe Freya was starting to rub some class off on him.....She smiled saccharin sweet again. "I'm sad that my Freya is leaving me for months again, but otherwise I'm managing." She pouted at Freya and did give her the hug that she was requesting. "How are you Hen-riiicccc?" She then looked down at her daughter, a genuine look of sadness on her face....she really felt it was harder for her baby bird to leave every time. One more year and she was all grown up and fledged, then she'd probably leave for college and Runa just didn't want to think about her impending empty nest. "Yes, holidays baby girl." She hugged her a little tighter and really did not want to be shaken off or let her child go. |