Who's Who: Meet the Badgers  Credit: Samia You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil  Hufflepuff House Cup Championships
2061-2062, 2062-2063, 2076-2077,
2077-2078, 2078-2079, 2079-2080,
2080-2081, 2081-2082, 2082-2083,
2085-2086, Hufflepuff Quidditch Cup Championships
2060-2061, 2061-2062, 2062-2063,
2068-2069, 2069-2070, 2071-2072,
2076-2077, 2078-2079, 2079-2080,
2081-2082, 2082-2083, Hufflepuff Gobstones Club Championships
2063-2064, 2076-2077, 2077-2078,
2080-2081, 2081-2082, 2082-2083,
2085-2086, 2086-2087, 2087-2088  Hufflepuff Head of House: Professor Paul Myers( kayquilz) House Prefect: Norah Kittredge ( Sararara ) House Prefect: Henric Nicolei (Symphora) House Ghost: Fat Friar Looking to learn a bit more about the members of your Hufflepuff family? This is just the place for you! Stop by and find out what you have in common with the badgers you'll be living with during your seven years here at Hoggie Hoggie Hogwarts! It's also encouraged that you share a bit of information about yourself, as well! Some common things to include are: Character Name, Age, Year in School, Wand, Physical Appearance, and General Heritage/Background Information Please Note: If you wish to include a bio picture it should be NO LARGER than 350 x 350 pixels and 60 KBs (61,444 bytes) in weight. Thank you for your cooperation! Previous year's bios can be found in the archives, located here!