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Ah, and another polite child! Pepper was pleased that so far today she'd encountered several polite and cheerful children, it seemed quite a few were very excited to get to school. "Hello! One telescope is six galleons, please."She reached over the counter to take the telescope and wrap it safely while the boy gathered his money.
Six galleons ... Carl was not sure if that was a lot or not. He knew that it was cheaper than the price of his wand though, so that seemed right. A lesson about Wizarding money would be useful sometime. But for now, he took out six gold coins and handed them to the shopkeeper.
"Thank you!" Carl smiled at the sight of his nicely wrapped up telescope. He wanted to take it out right now and observe his surroundings even more closely, but he did not want to ruin the lady's work. After smiling at her gratefully, he took his telescope and walked out of the shop.