Please note this message comes from
StarDancer488 (Amber) - she is the one organising and heading the SS Quill so PLEASE don`t contact me about it because I CANNOT help you.
YES, yes! The words you all or most of you have been waiting to hear. The SS quill is coming back. I am looking for some members who are willingly to put some time and commitment into writing articles. Remember this is a BIG commitment, and I only want the dedicated workers. If you are interested in a position please fill out the form below and PM it to me. (stardancer488) I am the new editor.
* Are you on-line often? How often? Would I be able to get in contact with you everyday or at very most every other day?
* What section of the SSQuill would you like to write for? If you can't write for the section that you want, are you willingly to write for another section?
* Are you aware that you need to be pretty active in the school RP, are you active?
* Please write about something, anything as a writing example for me. No more then 100 words please.
** Please get your applications in ASAP!