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Old 08-12-2014, 08:17 AM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Ravenclaw The Diadem: Lessons, Homework and General Announcements

Credits: Magical Soul

Did you forget when your Herbology journal was due, or how much longer you have on that Ancient Runes essay? What classes are coming up? The Class, Homework and General Announcements Board located on the wall by the study tables is the perfect place to check for what activities both academic and non-academic are going on in the Castle.

OOC: All Ravenclaws and Hogwarts Professors are free to post in here letting the members of Ravenclaw House know of upcoming or recently opened classes, homework assignments, or bulletins of new activities. When making a post in here, please try to include a link to the appropriate class thread and a quote or link of the actual homework assignment. If there is already a post for something try not to make another one; we all enjoy being informed, but too many repeating posts becomes repetitive. For more information on posting an announcement see the Ravenclaw Rules and FAQs thread.

**Myself (Nordic Witch) will be sure to keep this top post updated with currently open classes and events and a list of homework assignments and their due dates so make sure to subscribe to this thread.

Class Rules: (here you can handily be direct linked to the rules for each subject)
* Arithmancy Classroom Expectations
* Astronomy & Space Navigation
* CoMC Rules and Expectations
* Charms Classroom Rules
* DADA Rules and Expectations
* Herbology Rules and Expectations
* History of Magic Rules and Expectations
* Muggle Studies Rules and Expectations
* Potions Rules/Guidelines
* Transfiguration Rules

Upcoming Lessons:

Open Lessons:

Long-Term Assignment/Misc:

╰☆╮Special Events:╰☆╮

Last updated April 4th.