Originally Posted by
SpiritWolfe Malfoy [COLOR="DarkGreen]Over the course of the last four terms Hady had grown to know all three Valentine girls quite well and she enjoyed spending time with them. This term she knew had been a bit 'hard' for two for two of them so she was very glad to see that Angel seemed happy and she was laughing and smiling now. This was a great thing to see. All her friends deserved happiness. "If you need ideas I love animals of all kinds just not spiders..anymore... uh I love green and silver, butterflies and flowers." Did that help at all?
If there was something she had learned over the years it was that cramming for a test never worked! Studying steadily over time seemed to be the best choice of action with this stuff and it had always worked well for her before. "My thoughts exactly. Were the OWLs tough?"[/COLOR]
Angel smiled as she looked at Hady. "Okay then, I'll see what I can do." Angel was going to try and find the best Christmas present for her friend. She remember how Hady had been there for her on the first train ride that term and how her friend had helped her out.
"Oh they were okay, some were harder than others." Angel said truthfully, she wasn't sure how some of them had gone but she was glad that they were over with because some of them had been really hard and others had been hard but not as hard as those that were really hard. "So what else are you doing over the summer?"