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Old 12-10-2015, 02:22 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Bennett Potter
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Default :D Cuttty
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori

Text Cut: Cutty
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
"It was the only other sarney that didn't have ham in it." He didn't grow up with this fatty meat and although he'd eaten it before courtesy of Adonis Mordaunt, he'd never grown use to it's texture or high, HIGH salt content. Not to mention that it was prone to certain types of microbes. Not a fan. Who could be? Eww!

His potions. Take them before they leave? "Ha! For Mehrlins sake, Hanover. This isn't amateur hour at the Cauldron Competition." As in, 7 straight years of potion making could steady the hand. He omitted telling her that he had to take them at certain times.

He didn't want to sound like a freak.

All in due time.

"Yes...Yes. Remember os little people, wontchyer?" he liked the confidence of the wee lion and didn't argue with her point. "So long as yer takin' over the skewl, yew oughter make me yer vizier. At least put me on yer leadership council. I can rule remotely." He said removing a flask from his pocket and taking a swig of water from it. No it really was water, though. O_O "It'll be the least yew could do fer me fer all I've done fer yew."

Hmmmmm’ing Marsha made a face. ”I think I would have skipped the roll and just had some sweeties then.” She nodded solemly, anything was better cucumbers. Anything…. though she liked most sandwiches so she would more than likely have been fine. ”I really don’t like cucumbers… they have a weird texture that I just can’t describe.”

Rolling her eyes at him she crossed her arms under her chest as the train let out a long, low whistle to signal that they would be leaving the station within the next few minutes. End of term, start of Summer. At least she would get to see Alis again and finally meet and get to know Rhys properly…. She’d have to find Duchess too, before London since she had jumped out of her arms pretty soon after they had gotten onto the train. Typical cat. ”Then take it when the train is moving and have fun spilling it down your shirt.” She told him…. she wouldn’t even try to help get rid of the stain, nope. He’d deserve it after shooting down her help like that….. not that she really blamed him; a girl could try to act offended.

Raising her eyebrows at him, she laughed. ”Little people? You’re hilarious.” Sighing, she shook her head. There weren’t many students at Hogwarts that she was taller than, especially once the first and second years started to grow. She hadn’t even reached five foot yet, and she knew from experience (standing next to him) that Cutty was well over a foot taller than her. Remember the little people. Heh. Of course she wouldn’t, she needed their help with anything involving heights.

”My leadership council?” Thinking about it, she nipped on her bottom lip a little with her teeth. ”Well, that would be amazing. I could ask Benzi and AJ too - you’d all help me become the best I can… obviously. I’m going to write on the Quill the whole time hopefully… though I don’t really think I want to become a journalist when I’m older but it will look really good that I’ve been doing Extra Curriculars the whole way through school.” The girl nodded again, twirling a piece of flame-red hair around her pointer finger as she talked. ”Though, I would love to be a Prefect like Puck… or maybe even Head Girl like Sophie…” The Welshwoman had dreams and nothing would stand in her way of at least trying her best to reach her goals.

”But really… why would you want to be on my council… You’ve left Hogwarts now, graduated.” Cue sad face, again.
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