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Old 12-08-2015, 09:36 AM   #49 (permalink)
Grey Lady
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Hogwarts Castle
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Helena Ravenclaw
Resident Ghost of Ravenclaw | Intelligent & Evasive

Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
"Grey Lady!" his favourite History of Magic teacher. "I've been meaning to stop by. Thank you for being the best house ghost, and for making sure I didn't fail my History NEWT. I'm pretty sure I'm hovering on an almost E, so thanks!"
Hearing her name Helena turned to gaze over at Benzi Rider, one of the graduating seventh year and house prefects. Blushing just a little she smiled in response. "Thank you Benzi, but I think you should give yourself most of the credit. You did all the hard work. I just provided some guidance." Not that Helena didn't love getting compliments but Benzi's pending grade on the exams she had no control over. It all came down to his knowledge in the subject.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
It wasn't the floating through that had startled the second year, but the whole charade of whatever the Grey Lady was getting at. Rooney wanted to say exactly what he thought about this entire thing, but bit his lip. It was only last September that he still had fluttery feelings about the ghost of his house, but now he was well and truly over them. He sat up from his place at Reagan's side and folded his arms in protest. "I'm not crying." If she could see he was sad, then she should have been able to tell that he wasn't crying. His cheeks were dry. He was just moping. Big difference.
Also... did she just insinuate that he wasn't properly an eagle?

That was...

Well, he knew he would spend the next fifty years of his life in turmoil because of that one statement. Everything he stood for was to be a proper Ravenclaw.
Turning her pale gaze to the second year boy as Rooney protested that he was not in fact crying with his arms folded against his chest. "I see..," Helena said, playing with the fan in her hand. "If you are not crying then, what are you doing?" She asked interestedly. "Eagles are supposed to be smart and quick witted and competitive at least academically." Letting her eyes scan up and down the table she continued eyes back on Rooney. "If you want something or someone then find a way to get it or at least fight to achieve it using your wisdom and intelligence." That was Helena's unsolicited eagle advice. "And also sit up straight, and stop looking like a sad dog. This is supposed to be a joyful evening."

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
...but ever gracious and gentle, Reagan smiled warmly at the spectral woman; grateful she'd gotten to learn from someone so ingrained into the Hogwarts fabric. Even if it had only been one term. "It was lovely seeing you again this year, Professor Helena. Your History lectures were inspired."
She was simply chalked full of compliments. Mhm!
Turning to Reagan she couldn't help but smile kindly at the graduating seventh year as she complimented her teaching. "Why thank you Reagan. It pleases me to hear that you thought my history lessons were inspired." Floating a bit sideways so that she was hovering in front of the teenage girl Helena said "You'll presence will be greatly missed in the eagle den come September. The vegan snacks will remain. What are you plans after Hogwarts? University studies I presume?"

Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"Oh you would look great with black nails!" Kitty said excitedly, feeling thrilled and not so shy now that the Grey Lady had taken an interest in her style. "I've been using it since I was 11, because black is my favorite color." She held up her nail polish container so the Grey Lady could see it.
Smiling kindly over at fourth year Helena said "The colour looks pretty Kitty, but I can't use or touch anything solid. I'd just go through it so i'll just have to admire it on you from afar." It was one of the side-effects of being a ghost that she just had to live with. "Have you got any summer plans, you're looking forward too?"

Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
Helena finally understood, though? The ghost's declaration very nearly made her laugh - it was like an insult wrapped up in a compliment, but Sophie bit her tongue and just smiiiiled pleasantly up at the house ghost. The encouragement she was expressing DID outweigh the jab, and since it wasn't any bit of a surprise that the Grey Lady was being snide with her anyway, the fact that she was getting any sort of kindness from the woman spoke volumes. "That's very... unexpected and nice of you to say, Miss Helena." Could she see how surprised she was? "Means a lot coming from you. M'glad y'could finally see the good in me after all this time, even with my unladylike ways. Thank you." Maybe the ghost DID have some redeeming qualities to her. Huh. Who would've thought. [/color]
She wasn't ghastly and snide and aloft was she? Helena's eyes darted over to the Gryffindor Table where Sir Nicholas was holding court before she focused on Sophie again. "I've been at you about your unladylike ways because that was how my mother was against me. I didn't do it to be snide or horrible Sophie. I did it to get you to rise to your full potential. It's in the face of bumps that we rise and grow and you've certainly shown that you've done that." Helena explained. It wasn't an apology not really but that was the best she could do. Smiling kindly she continued. "I will miss you Sophie. I wish you all the best in life."
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