Join Date: Dec 2011 Location: In my dreams
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jordyn Guidry Graduated x5
| Zeke & Professor Flamsteed dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff SPOILER!!: Zeke Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Honesty was the best policy, right? And he knew that the best covers were the ones you knew... like, making things up tended to become holey, and before you new it, all logic was lost and you were in deep do-do. But somehow he didn't think Flamsteed would be flattered, or maybe he would be. The man was too complex. He was the most unusual mix of strict rule enforcer and spontaneous child. Would his rendition of the Professor be taken as a tribute, or a mockery? Personally, even he was leaning more toward mockery - not that he didn't respect his Head of House - he DID, most of the time. The pet rock thing was a point in favour of the man being a lunatic though, so, QUESTIONABLE.
Nevertheless, his eyes remained glued to Janelle.
She. Was. Losing. It.... and he would soon follow if he didn't do anything.
Zeke attempted to soothe her with gentle shushing, an arm moving around the Ravenclaw's shoulders as his other hand hand attempted to stifle her laughing after she'd gone and blamed him out loud.
YES. HE. DID. THIS.... "No need to give it away!" he said to her in a low voice before loosening his hold on her. Would she be okay now? Probably not... and he most certainly wasn't any better off, a laugh still threatening to escape his lips.
Sabel. The clap on his shoulder was definitely a sign that someone was behind them, but thankfully it wasn't Flamsteed, no, Flamsteed was in sight - perhaps the safest place for him to be, all things considered. Turning his head slightly, Sabel's request had him smirking harder than he already was. There was SO MUCH he could say to that. Didn't he know?! "You think I won't?" he replied, settling with questioning the idea instead of playing around with the man's word choice. Honestly, he could keep his nose clean all he liked, but it didn't mean he'd be keeping his fingers out of the cookie jar or his toes out of the water. Where there was fun to be had, he would have it .... which reminded him. "Have you spoken to mum? Told her that you're helping me out this summer?" He DID say he'd help.. he hadn't forgotten, right?
Janelle was in the middle of her laugh attack when Zeke tried to curb her giggles. His arm around her shoulders and hand over her mouth, did not really help much. Her laugh was now muffled, but the tears and the heaving shoulders gave her away. "Mmmmmm", she mumbled. And suddenly Zeke released her. Janelle wiped her eyes on the sleeves of her robe and tried the deep breathing again. "I'm ok, I'm ok", she said. She was slightly calmer, but the wrong word or look might set her off again.....at any moment. SPOILER!!: Professor Flamsteed Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Taking a long swig from the goblet - butterbeer, thank Merlin - Airey hopped down from the table and approached the Head Boy. "Mr, Adair, congratulations once again," he praised with an amused smile tugging at either corner of his lips. He HAD told him, had he not? One did not need an Inner Eye to be able to notice facts. "I have a few things for you," he continued, reaching into his enchanted breast pocket for two envelopes. One, the boy should recognize as it was addressed to himself in his own handwriting. The other bore a wax crest with a vintage looking compass design and a wand and the Latin phrase Vires acquirit eundo wrapped around the design. Airey may have....taken the liberty of inspecting the contents of that one, and the outlook was good. VERY good. "Perhaps, it would do your mind some good to start with this one," he chuckled, offering him the one from Portkey PASS first.
He could have the other one once he had finished with that.
"Live long and prosp----" Airey's attention was drawn to the Ravenclaw who had seemingly had one too many sips from a Giggling Concoction...or whatever potion it was that caused fits of giggling. Potions had never really been his forte...among several other wizarding subjects. "Everything alright over here?" he inquired, eyebrow raised at the duo.
Did he have a butterbeer mustache or something? Which, in fact, he did.
"Since I have you here, Mr. Zeke, my sister should be sending you instructions soon. Should you still wish to proceed, that is."
Airey had run away left the staff table to get away from the emotions associated there. Okay, so that was really just a fraction of the story. A tiny fraction. Okay so it had been entirely because of the ferocious beasts Cassiopeia kept in her purse...but he had already dealt with you Sabel! You had been given your novelty mug and there had been looks of fleeting sentimental bromance. NO MORE.
Alright. So there had been a salute offered. BUT THAT WAS IT.
Which was why he then turned his attention to Mr. Atreyu. "Congratulations, Mr. Atreyu," he saluted, stepping up to the young man. "I took the liberty of acting on our previous conversation. I think you will be pleased," he said, offering the seventh year an envelope with a furry and scaly - literally - crest belonging to the Newt Scamander Memorial Trust. Again, he had taken a few liberties in checking the contents - which remained sealed an untouched, for the record - due to not wanting to deliver bad news to any of his students this evening.
The astronomer held a few more envelopes in his hand, one for Miss Mikos actually so he would need to continue to make his rounds around the Gryffindor table for a bit more before he returned to the staff table and finally ate.
Just as Janelle thought that she had her hysterics in check, the unthinkable happened. Professor Flamsteed was heading their way. Janelle looked at Zeke with something close to terror in her eyes. When the Professor addressed them, Janelle channeled her inner actress, put on a happy (but not too happy) face and turned to him. "Everything is fine Professor. Zeke just told me a very funny joke. Live Long and Prosper!" Janelle was able to hold it together only because of the fingernails that were digging into her thigh at that moment. She dared not look at Zeke or she might have a relapse. Maybe this would be a good time to make her escape.
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