Gryffindor Reading Room  [ map ] Nestled comfortably between the stairwells to the boys' dormitory away from the hustle and bustle of the central part of the common room is the reading room - complete with a long bending book case that takes up the entire back wall. You'll find several desks and chairs arranged comfortably to assist you with your homework and studying. For those that are looking for a quiet place to read and unwind, there are a few beanbag chairs strung about. Whether you're working on a project, completing some homework or simply want to relax and read, you've come to the right place.
As you enter, however, your eye is not drawn to the inviting looking study tables or bean bag chairs, but rather a large boulder that is situated off to the right of the entrance. If you go around to the back of it, you will see a gigantic pair of googly eyes glued on as well as a smiley face painted with white paint. Lions, say hello to the Gryffindor common room pet - Pride. He is large enough for any lions looking to climb upon and is especially useful for those wanting to brush up on looking down or working on their ROARS. Just be sure to treat Pride with respect and the occasional pat every now and again.
All in all, it is the perfect place to sit with friends and tackle any homework that comes your way. The most important thing to remember is not to stress. Remember, help is always given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. So if you need advice, ask a peer or a professor, or even a portrait, who knows where you will find your answers! The portraits in this part of the common room may be especially helpful to you as they are all former Heads of Gryffindor House. From Godric Gryffindor to Uric Oapley to Minerva McGonagall to Seren Bentley... they are all here! Even this one stern looking woman whose portrait is just off to the right of the bookcase who may just reveal a secret to you if you say the right things to her. Gryffindor Common Room design is based on the drawings by Whisperwings