Originally Posted by
DinosaursOnASpaceship It's okay. I believe the feast will be opening soonish? It's that time of year at Hogwarts again.
How did Adi get detention? He doesn't seem like the type of person to get detention and also him being a good little Prefect and all. And you can't forget Emmy's love/obsession for pandas and candy.
Yes! If you're posting her at the Badger table, we can sort of continue? Uh, he's not perfect? haha. He lost his cool at Henric at the Tree House and punched him
*pets the boys* I kinda like how everyone thought he was all so good but out of no where, he lands a detention. Nuuuu, the panda love is adorable :3
Originally Posted by
kayquilz hahaha MAYBE but I hope not because that would be annoying for me to RP xD
But fun to stalk, Kate. Fun to stalk
Originally Posted by
Govoni He's attending University in Germany...and still pursuing languages, potions, and science. He's sworn off relationships, too.
Girls, man. They have messed up my Banner!bby.
:3 That brain of his! *sees him being valedictorian*
Slowly he'll get back into those relationships
*squishes him*
Originally Posted by
SilverTiger Color changes and model changes. Quote:
Originally Posted by
fire_faerie AND, in other news, ALL THE SADS about Benzi leaving but I just remembered that him leaving means his sister finally gets to come onsite and now I'm alternating between excited and FEELSY and RAH.