Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Penelope knocked on the door to Mr. Kitridge's office. Ravenclaw angst. It was happening. One of the things that she didn’t understand was why teenage angst seemed to be associated with Ravenclaws. Why did they call it Ravenclaw angst? You never heard anyone talking about Gryffindor angst, Slytherin angst, or Hufflepuff angst. Penelope was sure that angst was not exclusively a Ravenclaw thing. Why was the stereotypical Ravenclaw book smart and oozing angst? Maybe it had something to do with students in the other houses being less philosophical about life. What was life? Perhaps that question was best saved for another time.
The stress about OWLs was getting to her. She was way more worried about OWLs than she should be. What OWLs she passed would determine what NEWTs she could take, which would somehow determine what sort of career she would have and if she would go to Wizarding University. She was only 15 years old. How was she supposed to figure out what she wanted to do for the rest of her life? What was life? School was supposed to prepare her for the rest of her life. It seemed like everything was done in preparation for some other thing that could never fully be achieved. She didn’t have a social life. Did she even have any friends? Had she ever had any real friends at Hogwarts? She didn’t spend much time socializing with other people, and mostly just focused on studying. Maybe she needed more friends. Penelope waited outside the office, wondering if Mr. Kitridge was there and still thinking about everything. It was impossible to stop thinking, she was always about something.
Last edited by griffin; 11-29-2015 at 08:59 AM.