Adi smirked a teeny bit when he realised that the Silencing Charm had hit his friend. Excellent! Would the Stinging Hex also hit? He honestly hated throwing the spell since he knew Yoongi cared so much about his appearance but at the end, the spell could be counteracted if actions were not taken to prevent the hit.
Yoongi managed to dodge the spell. No worries. Adi would strike back. Or Yoongi would. The disadvantage of being silenced meant that he was at risk for non verbal spells which clearly was something Yoongi was capable of. Too late did he register the wand movement and all too soon he was bound with ropes. His entire body! UGH! The Hufflepuff lost his balance, tumbling backwards. Luckily he managed to keep a grip on his wand even if it was just barely. He aimed the wand at his feet
‘’Diffindo!’’ The ropes binding his feet fell away and he was quickly able to unravel the remainder before jumping to his feet.
‘’Levicorpus!’’ Not wasting any time here. Nope.