Originally Posted by
FearlessLeader19 Adi was wondering if he could perhaps snag a ride on the Griff after Olathe had had her fun. He'd just ask, yes? That was the only way to find out. But his attention was back on the younger Hufflepuff now. "Awesome!'' Yep, the last thing he needed was for her to have some sort of injury. #Protective
"Liking the view from up there?" Again his mind turned to going airbourne with the griff. What an even more spectacular view that would be! Of course he was in no rush here. The little sister seemed to be enjoying herself a whole bunch.
"Of course Adi, It's Brilliant." Olathe Answered. " This is the best outing EVER!"
They strolled around the clearing a little bit more before Olathe found herself curious what Adi wanted to do. It had been his love of Hippogriff that lead to her introduction to Vasiliy after all. Surely he didn't want to just lead her around all day that couldn't be to much fun. She petted Vasiliy's neck feathers and spoke gently to the hippogriff. " You know Vasiliy Adi's Loves Hippogriff very much, and I think it would make his day if he got a ride too. What do you think Big guy?" She asked soothingly.