It was a shame to end a duel that had it's opponents moving so hopity-hippity. But the grandfather clock was calling for an end, and the rules were the rules.
With a sigh and a push, Sabel moved away from the wall and sent up the shield curtain between the two students. When he got between them, it was Lynch who had the gold spark of the winner shoot above her head. But his smile was for both of them.
"A very, very close call. A hair fraction difference. Good job." ----------------------
OOC: Thanks so much for dueling! It was an awesome read! Duel is now officially over.
In consideration of feedback and time constraints, we are going to do a final round of duels between students. However if you would like to duel a Professor from the club, please VM or PM me (and I will check with the chosen professor) This will be a 'for fun' challenge duel, if you decide to do so (and should not replace the duel with the student you are paired up with, so please consider your own time constraints/options).