Well, that was certainly quick and too the point. Well executed in other terms.
As he moved into the center of the arena, Sabel stooped and picked up the wand that had clattered off closer to the edge of the arena. With his own, he cast a
finite at the muted Barrington. Both boys got a small smile of approval.
"Well done, the pair of you."
Handing the wand back to Barrington, Sabel clapped the kid briefly on the shoulder. Then, it was turning to Baines and shooting a brief gold spark over the kid's head.
"Thorton Baines, winner!"
His eyes skirted to the snake guts that were about, and a few specks on the kid's clothing.
"You two might want to get cleaned up." Couldn't imagine that would smell very good later.
OOC: Thanks so much for dueling! It was an awesome read! Duel is now officially over.
Thanks for your feedback! In consideration of feedback and time constraints, we are going to do a final round of duels between students. However if you would like to duel a Professor from the club, please VM or PM me (and I will check with the chosen professor) This will be a 'for fun' challenge duel, if you decide to do so (and should not replace the duel with the student you are paired up with, so please consider your own time constraints/options).