Truth be told, he wasn't entirely sure what was going on. Halfway between disbelief, horror, face-palming and sheer amusement, Sabel just stared at the two kids with a half unhinged mouth. Where even did they learn how to duel like this?
What was more surprising than the acting and the facade, was the fact that out of everyone, it was Bellaire that was still kicking. Rooney's spell might have taken his feet out from under the other kid, but it seemed that once in a while miracles happened. While Rooney was out of magic, Bellaire was somehow still alive. Sweet Merlin.
With a slow clap, Sabel moved to the center of the room.
"That...was quite the show." He wouldn't say good or bad, because he still wasn't sure.
Reaching down, he carefully pulled Bellaire up to his feet.
"Winner of the tournament. Blaise Bellaire." No golden spark this time. He was pretty sure anyone in the audience was gaping just as much as he was. No need to add pretty lights to the mixture of confusion.
His eyes went between the two boys, a small smile of decision finally playing on his lips.
"Well played. The both of you." And his gaze finally landed on Bellaire.
"Best you take a walk to the healer and make sure nothing's broken." ----------------------
OOC: Zomg. You two cracked me up soooo much!!! Thanks so much for dueling! It was an awesome read! Duel is now officially over.
Thanks for your feedback! In consideration of feedback and time constraints, we are going to do a final round of duels between students. However if you would like to duel a Professor from the club, please VM or PM me (and I will check with the chosen professor) This will be a 'for fun' challenge duel, if you decide to do so (and should not replace the duel with the student you are paired up with, so please consider your own time constraints/options).