• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Justin kept his arms folded as he awaited the other students to get settled in. Fighting how exactly? The Groundskeeper opened his mouth to speak only to hear the perpetrators speak. Well, well..
Finally some explanation was given. His patience had been lacking lately, but in this case Justin was fine with letting them explain. "I was tending the grass along when I had heard shouting near the Treehouse. So naturally I climbed up to see what was going on just as Master Rehman punched Master Nicolei after shouting obscenities at him whilst Mr. Atreyu was with Miss Valke who was visibly upset." Then, "Before Master Nicolei could retaliate I sent a shield spell between them." As for the reason, well, the Hufflepuff students just explained. "Before we arrived, they could not share an exact reason, as these two including Miss Valke were insisting on taking all of the blame."
Now then, what was next? Finally noticing Moxley, their head of house. She didn't look anymore happier than him. |