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 Alley Proprietor Mooncalf
Join Date: May 2003 Location: In the Blue (EST)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore Ravenclaw Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt Games & Sports Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach International Cooperation Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre Gringotts Wizarding Bank x8 x7
| moving us on^^ • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • SPOILER!!: Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora Henric had never seen Adi burst out like that in front of him. His eyes widened with shock, rendered him speechless for a second. Adi's loud voice startled him so much, he backed away a step too. Bloody dragons....Adi was screaming at the top of his lungs because of what he did to llia. Adi's piercing words made him even more guilty than he already felt, and so much more mortified. He never meant to leave her or be distant from her...he was torn and confused, it was bloody torturing for him too! Would anyone try to understand him for once? It was his mistake for letting his insecurities got the better of him but he wanted to change that! He wanted to prove how incredibly important llia meant to him.
His chest hurt but no words came out from his mouth as he stood still, listening to Adi venting out his anger and frustration towards him. Henric clenched his fist, angry not at the prefect but at himself. He realised now...how many he had hurt, including Adi and Benny. It was hard to look at him in the eye, he was at a loss.
A blur of flesh suddenly headed towards his face. And the next thing he knew Adi's strong fist connected with his nose, forcing an involuntary yell out from him. Henric staggered back several feet before falling onto his back. The excruciating pain finally registered through his haze of shock as more blood coming out from his nose. He groaned out in pain, still clutching on his now literally bloody, broken nose. Bloody hell man, Adi could really pack a punch!
At the corner of his eyes, he saw the Groundkeeper caught them in the mid of action! Oh no! Wait! WHAAAAT?! 100 POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THEIR HOUSE?! Henric scrambled up to his feet again and face the man, he stood right in front of his friends, if he could still call them that... and shook his head profusely. He would take all the blame if he must! "PWEEESE...ITZ S'ALL MAI FAUULTT..."Henric spoke up through his bloody nose."ZHEY HAZ S'NOTHING S'TO DO IN DISS..." He yelped as more pain shot right up to his nose. His wand was still down on the ground, he had no way to fix his injury as fast as he could. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Adi was obviously unaware of the wordless Shield Charm which had been sent between them but he was aware of his fist making contact with Henric's nose and then the blood spurting everywhere. The moment he saw the red substance, he regretted his actions. Not that he had time to dwell on that because Mr Groundskeeper happened.
A prefect? GREAT HIPPOGRIFFS! He had forgotten he was a student leader when he got all caught up in this. Adi's dark eyes were still fixed on Henric as he took a small step towards the boy. He barely registered the loss of points. "He's right,'' Adi said to McLeod as he put the tiny amount of ego he had and crossed over to his friend. "If he weren't being the world's greatest... never mind.'' Merlin! Henric's nose was really bleeding! Like HEAVILY. "It's really my fault,'' he continued, avoiding everyone's eyes but focusing on Henric's nose. "Episkey!" The Silent Healing Charm was cast as his wand was pointed at Henric. Did the nose mend? "I'm sorry, Henny.'' No, he wasn't going to justify what he had done. This was one of those rare moments when he lost control of his emotions. And yes, he was calling the Hufflepuff by his nickname again.
Adi finally looked at the Groundskeeper. "I lost control of myself. I'm also sorry for causing a ruckus. This is all on me,'' was all he said. He wasn't ashamed to admit when he was wrong. But gosh, what must his Veela girl be thinking of him?! Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA So at least Henric landed okay. She was mad at him but she didn't want him to die or anything. Henric griped at Adi and then started asking her to forgive him. Why couldn't he have just not been a jerk to her in the first place? He left her to doubt him and yelling at Adi wasn't making her mood any better. Adi had remained loyal. Case and point, Adi was the one sitting with her and being comforting and friend-like.
........and THEN.....the shouting started. Ilia had NEVER seen Adi angry like that. She had seen him annoyed, she had been there, she had seen his fights with Benny and she had seen him argue with Henric......but this....this was ANGRY. Her sobbing had ceased though you could still clearly tell that the girl had been crying. She found her feet and slowly rose to them, as Adi kept yelling. Then her best friends fist....connected with her other best friends face. "NO!" she half sobbed , half shouted.
She heard the blow land, saw the blood spurting and Henric yelping. She was mad at him, he had hurt her badly, but she still didn't want him hurt. She was pretty sure that his nose was broken and it felt like she'd been hit in the gut.
Before she had time to run over to Henric though..... the Groundskeeper, one of her house, was standing among them....yelling at her boys! 50 points each from them!?!?!?!?!? She let her expression go blank as she thought what to do next. She was a ball of emotion and this just made it worse, her very soul felt like it was churning.
Explain themselves? Time was ticking....Her boys were fighting over her, she was emotionally disheveled and now they were in deep dragon dung as the Groundskeeper waited. She was cursing everything mentally and felt like she was going to have a melt down. What now!? Come on brain work!
Henric was trying to take the blame with his now nasally damaged lisp....Adi was encouraging that it was Henric's fault.....then admitting his own......She hadn't heard a peep out of Benny.........this had a muggle 'soapy operatic shows' or whatever those were called type feeling now and.....then an idea hit her like Adi's fist to Henric's nose. Hopefully her snake side would ring true today....
She kept her face clear and walked up to the groundskeeper somewhat excitedly. "Sir, its not what you think!" Well, she wasn't sure what he really thought....but it was wrong! Her boys losing points and getting into trouble over her was wrong! "You see.....we were acting." And all of you boys better act and play along with this! She looked over at Henric's nose again and corrected herself. "Over-acting." She smiled sheepishly. "You see, my mother is having me get into modeling and theater with her and I was trying to practice and surprise her. The boys were helping me and we all got a little carried away! I'm so sorry for the scene Mr. McLeod, Sir. Its really all my fault and I didn't mean for it to get so loud and disturb you! Please don't be angry with us." She smiled up at him apologetically.....pleadingly.....her big blue eyes practically begging him not to yell at them.
At least she wasn't totally lying.....Her mom did do those things and she DID want Ilia to do so with her and follow in her footsteps.......and she did feel like this was all her fault now....Boys....don't mess this up....just agree with her....please..... Just as he thought. "I'm asking for what exactly happened here, not whose fault it was or why." The question was why would a Prefect from the house of goodie-goodies (in Justin's head) would ignore their responsibilities so close to the end of term? Seventhyearitis was not going to fly with him.
"What was that Miss Valke? Are you wanting 50 points taken from your house too?" Seriously, Justin asked for what happened not excuses or attempts to cover each other's rumps on whose fault it was. He had patience normally, but not in this case. "Just acting? That'll be 10 points from your house for such a bold face lie." The helping her part, yes, he could see with the Gryffindor staying by her side. But the rest? Madam Murdoch would not be impressed, this snake looked already too shaken up for this to be believable. Now what about from the older Gryffindor? Unfortunately the amount of blood from the other student's nose was not going to wait any longer for an answer, regardless on the Prefect's attempts to straighten his nose. Was Mr. Atreyu just as shaken up? He couldn't tell personally.
The Groundskeeper then made motions with his wand towards the floor where blood had dripped, vanishing it. No need for other students to see that. Since more than enough time to hear an explanation had passed by. "Right. All four you, we're heading to the Headmaster's office. Perhaps with Headmaster Botros and the Head of Houses presence we can get to the bottom of this." Fully out of the entrance, he stepped aside allowed the students to exit first.
Last edited by Charely Potter; 11-20-2015 at 09:07 PM.