SPOILER!!: :( <3
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Larissa sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes but that didn't stop the crying. She had a feeling nothing or no one would be able to stop the crying at all. She was going to be sad forever. There was no way that she was going to stop crying, the only thing that she wanted right now was to be able to stop crying. "J-just...s-stuff." She didn't want to feel like a bother, that's how she felt most days and most days in Gryffindor.
In her house she felt like she was the biggest bother of all because she didn't like it in Gryffindor, she felt like she didn't belong there. She didn't want to feel like that but since day one she felt like. Mostly because of the start of term feast. She didn't know anyone and not that many people that said hello to her, the prefects didn't even welcome her to Hogwarts or to Gryffindor but when she made her way over to the Hufflepuff table people had welcomed her to Hogwarts and asked her what house she had gotten into but not from her own house.
Okay, Larissa was definitely crying. Adi wasn't even sure the Lion had registered whom she was talking to. It didn't matter though.
"Wanna talk about the stuff?'' He wasn't going to push her to speak about it all but he was going to be comforting. And so the Hufflepuff placed an arm around her shoulder cautiously. Cautiously because he wasn't sure if she would welcome the gesture.
Adi had no idea of the internal struggles Larissa was battling with but he did hope he could help with whatever she was dealing with right now. It had to be really bad from all the crying she was doing. Right now though, he just let her cry as he held her. It seemed to be his thing this term... helping his friends cope. First Henric, then Ilia and now Larissa.