~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi straightened up, putting an arm around Benny's shoulders as he was held. "You can laugh as much as you want, Benny. It's hilarious! Who came up with this idea? The prankster getting pranked...'' He was amused. Benny now got a poke on the cheek closest to him. "Not heavier than you, fat boy,'' he teased back.
To Culloden he said, ''Feels awesome! I mean I get piggy back from Benny a lot but it's actually just as fun being lifted like this.'' Oh yeah. "I also feel lucky... I just need my pot of gold, please.'' Hehe. The Puff arranged his face in a look of horror. "Anything but my hair, Professor! I'll remember not to visit if it's ever orange.'' Adi suddenly had an image of the three rugrats chasing him for his precious hair. "I'm going to make Benny carry me around all over,'' was the reply. Hey, he was feeling childish. "Probably make him give me more piggy back rides.'' Cue the teasing look at the giant-ish boyfriend.