SPOILER!!: Paaauul~
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"Well, I was...a very long time ago. I went to University--" and Paul leaned forward, as if telling a very exciting story, "And I graduated undergrad...and went on to more school...and then decided to teach at that level BUT--" he sighed. "I just didn't enjoy it very much. Not enough time to experiment or explore--do my OWN studies--" he shrugged. "And my band! I needed time for my band." So alas, university professor-ing was not his thing. "And Milton and I moved to Italy shortly thereafter...I had just been doing my own thing when...I realized I was bored and Hogwarts had the position open...and so here I am." He grinned gestured at the picture on his desk...which wasn't facing Yoongi, but yeah.
So, Yoongi didn't like plants, did he? Paul pretended to be displeased. He frowned, leaned back in his chair, and sighed. "I am so sad now, Mr. Hyland. I thought you loved Herbology....and to think...you had such a knack for it." Paul was no idiot. He knew when students weren't a fan of his class. However, Paul did not want Yoongi to feel TOO bad, so he finally chuckled and sipped his tea. "I'm kidding. I know." He shrugged.
"It is rooibos tea..." he nodded and sipped it again. "I think you could have it if you wanted to...for certain people." He smirked. Ahem. AHEM.
Yoongi was very chatty today. He supposed he didn't mind...since he had literally come just to chat. And Paul wasn't doing anything better. He loved talking to people....sigh. "I suppose you have a point...now would be a great time to start jogging again...since it's slowly getting warmer outside and the weather is nice. At least it's no longer snowing." It hadn't snowed in forever, thank Merlin. "I learned just how cold it gets in here during the winter..." he chuckled. Good thing he had a fireplace for fire! Warmth! Coziness.
………He sure loved school didn’t he? Yoongi pretended to be interested in his story as he looked very excited while telling it. He even leaned forward as if he had been waiting for ages for someone to ask him those questions! The Gryffindor nodded at the right times but when he heard that the Professor had been in a band he suddenly REALLY listened.
“You were?” he asked.
“That is SO COOL, you know that Sir?” he looked even more impressed right now because he ALSO didn’t pick him out to have a band.
“Which position were you? You look like a piano player…” he said, scratching his chin , oh gosh he had to remember to shave tonight. He preferred a smooth face so everyone could see it~
Vaguely wondering who this Milton guy was, he had seen him looking at the picture on his desk, which he couldn’t see but now that he too was looking he thought it was the perfect timing to ask this
“Your wife and kids on there?” he smiled. Every office had a picture like that right?
When the Professor leaned back in his chair and frowned at him, Yoongi knew he had done the wrong thing. He looked down to stare at the desk which was very interesting suddenly.
“I’m sor—“ why was he chuckling? He wasn’t angry? Looking up, the sixth year frowned as he heard he had just been kidding. How on earth had he fallen for that lame joke?! HE used it on others as well.
“I do agree I have a knack for Herbology. I’m not just beauty I’m brains as well” he laughed.
“I’ve always wanted to say that”
So the tea flavour was rooibos tea? Maybe he should ask his mother to buy him some because he quite liked the taste of it. But then the Professor offered it to him and he stared dumbly.
“Certain people?” he looked utterly confused right now.
“I’m…. not sure I follow, Sir…” apparently he was more beauty than brains siiiigh.
“I always have a point, Sir. I’m …pointful …” he frowned.
“I just made up a word didn’t i?” he shrugged. He then laughed at what he said about the cold at Hogwarts.
“Not a fan of snow as well?”