• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Right, he was in the open now as he followed right after his fellow Auror buddies. Luc merely glanced in surprise at the rugby-like tackle the Wolf guy gave, but only a glance. He needed to take action now as his hoodie slipped off from the quick action on him whipping his wand out. Not even a second passed by before he shot out a freezing charm at one of the men daring to flee out the back turning him into a nice popsicle. NOT TODAY!
Right after, little whispers of self guidance as he continued to jump right onto the man sending him to the ground. COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD!
Luc shivered as he broke apart the blocks of ice covering the man's arm to snatch his wand. |