Whether the snitches pelting the door had alerted him, or there was some other reason, Sabel's voice came through from the other side of the wall.
"Alright everyone, feel free to start wrapping things up. Finish your practice if you want."
On cue, the snitches began slowing and the wall had begun to turn transparent. It looked like ice, melting slowly from the top. Students could now see into the other room, where Sabel turned to the pensive, retrieved the memory and stored it in a vial, which he tucked safely in his pocket. The water got poured out and quickly cleaned up with a wave of his wand.
The wall was less than a few inches high now, though the snitches stayed on their appropriate side of the class. The door itself had melted away.
"Good work today. If anyone needs to speak to me after class, I welcome you to. I'll be in my office." Anyone being mainly the one's who'd seen the killing curse, but it applied to those who likely had burning questions about the pensive as well.
"There are chocolate frogs in a bowl outside the door for all of you. Please, help yourself."
The one day he allowed chocolate. The one day.
OOC: Heya all! Soo lesson is wrapping up. Feel free to finish your practice and get your posts in. I'll close this thread in about 9 hours from this post.
If you have questions for Dakest, feel free to ask. Otherwise, class is officially dismissed 
Thanks all for a great last lesson!! <3 (PS while this is the last 'official' lesson for us, you can assume that as the term is not over, there would be more after this