doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Right, yeah. He nodded his head slowly, remember to breathe. Yeah. He was going to remember that. Yeah. Though the boy still remained right where he was, extremely still with face still paled. This was going to be fine. ”Huh?” He slowly turned his head to the side, hearing Yoongi address him. ”Yeah, fine… I’m fine,” he whispered back, clearly not. But well… Here he was. The Gryffindor turned back to look straight ahead when Professor Dakest went on to address the class as a whole once more. Giving them all the option to look into the pensive…. Which Zander Adair was not going to do. He did notice Sophie Brown make her way over, though. But there wasn’t much he did to acknowledge her presence. Just a slight nod.
As for the pensive, he had already made up his mind. He was never going to look into a pensive ever again. Not if he could help it, anyways. The last time he looked into one… No. He wasn’t going to do that. He already knew what death looked like. And that was the whole point of this right, to educate? So he already knew. Didn’t need another look at something like that. He wondered what Sophie would choose to do, though.
Seeing her make her way over towards the pensive though, he remained still. Her choice. Zander kind of wished she wouldn’t go look at it, knowing how painful those kinds of memories could be. What surprised him was the fact that she wasn’t going to the memory, she was going for the Professor? He watched her curiously, already deciding that he wanted to ask her if they could partner up together. So he stood there, watching from the benches.
…. What?
Why would her mother be calling her in the middle of class? Surely Mrs. Brown knew that an early morning such as this one meant an indecent time for a mirror call. He was both curious and concerned and also still remained in his spot, feet glued to the ground. He’d wait for her to return so they could start on the activity together.
But why in Merlin’s name would her mum be calling in the middle of class?
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |