not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Oh man that was so cool. They not not just one ghost professor, but now two! The very ghost they had been discussing just moments before was now in their classroom. And telling his life story too. Olly was not so interested in that, but luckily it wasn't long. He was more interested in the ghost part. And the execution. His hand went into the air when it was time for questions. "How were you executed?" Not why, but how. Was he hanged? (Hung?) Poisoned? Burned at the stake? That was the interesting stuff. He didn't even stop to think that the friar might not want to answer that. Who would want to give details about their own deaths? If he'd thought a bit before he spoke he might have reconsidered his question. But he was too curious for that thought to even cross his mind.