Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Okay snitches.... Let's do this.
Noelle kept her eyes up at the snitches as they fluttered above her. She held her wand tight in her hand. Her eyes flicked across the room, deciding what her first move would be as soon as the snitches started moving.
Then the door closed.
Noelle did the only logical thing she could do. She ducked behind a chair as a snitch flew at her. Another one came at her side but she moved behind the chair so it wouldn't get her. Okay... Homing spell. Homing spell.
She needed her Cinna...
But Cinna was a seventh year and not here to help. Noelles eyes searched the classroom for Sabbie, hoping he wasn't being pummeled. She needed to try the spell.
Noelle pointed her wand and did the movement that Professor Dakest showed her. "Persequoris!!" She yelled and saw a snitch that was coming for her twitch........ But that was it.
She could have sworn...
__________________ You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff |