for Kath/Airey Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight One thing Daxton had noticed about Hogwarts, was that even as the seasons rotated and they passed into the warmer months, the inside of the castle was still comfortably cool. It made sense, of course, but that did not make it any less of a welcome discovery.
Today, though, he had ventured outside, initially intending to spend some time up on top of the wooden bridge, though something along the way had drawn his attention instead. As he had passed through the courtyard, barefoot as always, Daxton had noticed, not for the first time, the fountain in the middle of the uneven paved floor. A whole array coins glinted invitingly, tauntingly, from under the water, and the first year found himself diverting and stepping closer.
He had never tried to fish any coins out before; there was usually someone around who might see him, and though Daxton did not think he would be breaking any rules in doing so, he was still not so keen on being seen. But there was hardly anyone around today, Daxton realised, as he looked this way and that, before kneeling down at the edge of the fountain and peering into the water. It did not look all that deep; he could just scoop a few out and quickly be on his way - perhaps come back to do the same every now and then, subtly taking a little at a time.
Seeing as he was wearing a regular t-shirt and shorts - considered by some to be unseasonable, but perfect, in his opinion, for staying cool - Daxton did not need to roll up his sleeves, so he went ahead and dipped his hand right in to the cold, cold water, reaching for the bottom of the fountain and trying to grasp at some coins. But he could not. They seemed to have moved, and Daxton cursed his rotten luck. Was this some sort of trickster magic? To toy with him, play with him? As he reached further and further into the fountain, further than at first glance he should ever have been able to, he started to think that might be so.
But the coins. They were wasted in here, and he wanted them.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |