Thread: Information: SSRPG Character Faces
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Old 11-02-2015, 10:58 PM
Charely Potter Charely Potter is online now
Default SSRPG Character Faces

SSRPG Character Faces
The Official Charrie/Celebrity List Reference Thread
A-C | D-G | H-K | L-O | P-S | T-Z

Welcome to the Character Faces Thread! This is a reference guide listing all the celebrities that are used in past, present, and future for characters. Feel free to post your own character's portrayal below. Keep in mind this is not a "claiming" thread as duplicates happen, so don't get upset if someone else happens to use the same celebrity as you. We all have our own doubles somewhere. Each model is listed alphabetically by their surname followed by the characters who they portray.
Example: Post the model's name linked with their picture, which part of the RPG they belong to, and the character's name linked to the user's profile.
e.g. Boreanaz, David - (H.A) Headmaster Gaellen Tate
You can also post for others here in case you recognize any unclaimed models or characters in an outdated category.

General Notice:
Please CHECK if your charries have been added or not and don't just post's not that difficult to check and it makes it easier to add. Also be sure to add all the required information like in the example above. Much appreciated. Any questions can be directed to Charely Potter who maintains this thread.

(H) - Current Hogwarts Students & Staff
(H.A) - Hogwarts Alumni (Previous Hogwarts Students & Staff)
(I) - Current Ilvermorny Students & Staff
(I.A) - Ilvermorny Alumni (Previous Ilvermorny Students & Staff)
(B) - Current Beauxbatons Students & Staff
(B.A) - Beauxbatons Alumni (Previous Beauxbatons Students & Staff)
(M) - Current Ministry Employees (including Ambassadors listed)
(M.A) - Ministry Alumni
(PA) - Current Professional Athletes (Quidditch / Gobstone players & leaders as listed in the Ministry)
(PA.A) - Former Professional Athletes
(DA.P) - Diagon Alley Proprietors (among the official Council)
(DA.S) - Diagon Alley Staff (including Part-time, Full-time, and Daily Prophet Staff)
(DA.A) - Former Diagon Alley Proprietor & Staff
(DA) - Any Diagon Alley Character who doesn't meet the above criteria. Also includes Students only played off-site.

Original Charrie/Celebrity List Thread by: MoviegoerKinz
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