Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... SPOILER!!: Family Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay After her morning meeting, Mariel picked up Regina from the Ministry daycare for a brief girls outing. She needed to get a few more things for Alejandro's birthday and thought her daughter might enjoy a little shopping and maybe even some lunch before heading back. She had a few things to do at work in the afternoon, but figured they'd have plenty of time. Alejandro, of course, would have to stay at the daycare a little longer, but she was sure to pick up Regina out of his sight so he wouldn't get upset.
They had spent the rest of the morning shopping, having gotten a few more toys and another outfit for the nearly one year old. It was about lunchtime and she thought they'd see if Jorge could join them for lunch. Mariel was unsure if he could take the time off so she got takeout at the cafe for the three of them. Worst case, he couldn't stop for lunch but she could at least bring him something.
Regina had been pretty excited about visiting Daddy at work and, though the thought of taking her into the place where Jorge had been attacked gave her pause, she ultimately decided that it was perfectly safe. It had been nearly two years now - even if they didn't seem any closer to catching anyone - and it was daytime with no further incident. It would be fine. Regina loved having a special shopping trip with Mommy. Of course she did get a little distracted looking at the toys and started to get bored while they were clothes shopping. But it was starting to take too long and her attention only lasted so long. The nearly three year old felt like such a big girl though because Mommy even let her carry one of the bags.
Even better was that they were going to see Daddy at his work! Once they got the food, she held Mommy's hand as they walked into the big building. Brown eyes looked everywhere searching each face to find Daddy's, till they went into another room and there he was, sitting at a desk like the one at home. "Daddy!" she exclaimed with a big smile, letting go of Mommy's hand to run to him. He was starting to let his mind go to other things when he heard footsteps coming into the quiet office. Hearing a familiar little voice he grinned before turning in his chair and catching the little princess as she came close. Placing her on his lap he hugged her and looked to his wife. "What a nice surprise. Where is your brother?" He assumed at the daycare but he figured Regina would give him the scoop of what they were doing. "This place was a little too quiet and I was just thinking about going for some coffee. I'm glad I spent a bit longer at my seat." He would have hated if he had left and they would have come. He wasn't too keen on any of his family members being inside the Prophet since whomever did what they did to Basil and him hadn't been caught, but nothing had been done as of lately so he figured it was alright.
Smelling the food he grinned, "You two are so sweet, did you bring me lunch?" He stood still holding Regina and leaned to kiss Mariel. "Slow day?" Though he couldn't imagine Mariel's day ever being slow she was always working so hard.
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