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Old 10-29-2015, 08:31 AM   #55 (permalink)
Scorpio Vulpeculae
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Utopia
Posts: 232
Fourth Year
Default Nells

Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Laughing as she spun the boy around, Noelle heard a familiar voice. Turning, she beamed at her favorite person. "SABBIE!!" She exclaimed happily and gave the small boy a hug and a promise to dance with him again but she wanted to dance with her very best friend.

The boy understood, thank Merlin, and Noelle grabbed Sabbie's hand. "Dance with me?" Noelle asked, but it wasn't a request because she knew Sabbie would. He had that gypsy blood that made him an instant dancer. Of course he could dance loads better than she could.

Noelle didn't wait for an answer and was already spinning in the snow.
Sabbath beamed when Nells called his name, her face radiating. To him, she was so happy and carefree in the moment, it was easy to get drawn into her energy. She’d grabbed his hand pulling him to the centre and he went willingly. And as she started to spin, he laughed with her freely, capering to her as she frolicked, her arms in the air, her hair splaying out around her with the impetus.

He reached out trailing her hip with his hand until she’d made a full turn, then he clasped her hand in his and pulled her into a spin, drawing her to him to narrow the axis so they could turn freely together. He led her in whirling lap around busking ring, their hair whipping around them, their laughter resonating in the air. He watched her face as they spun together and he laughed openly, enjoying the light and alegria in her eyes.
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