(tea party cuties xoxoxo) ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Rooney WAVED sooooo big at Miss Reagan and felt bad about her wicker basket. Had she brought food with her so as not to be rude that she couldn't eat the same as them? MAN. But they could all just imagine they had food like she did, right? Maybe... "You're just on time, Miss Reagan! Isn't she Davie?" Oh and she was dressed all nice too. Definitely his second favourite seventh year in forever and ever. He'd tell her later that his scrapbook was under his pillow and he was frequently showing her amazing work to his sister and no one else. Because that would be weird.
Roo adjusted his bow tie at the mere mention Davie made of it, almost worrying that it was askew or he actually didn't like it. "I like yours too. It's.. coooool." And now this meant that they could be adult and talk bowties whilst reading their newspapers or doing their homeworks. Something very adult. They couldn't talk about girls though, especially not Miss Charlotte - YES. He had heard Davie say she looked "SO PRETTY". Which she did. But no comment. No girl talks. No, no, no could they get on with their tea party now, please? AHA DIG IN. DIG IN. OH YES. GOSH.
Rooney scrambled for a cup and sipped eagerly from it....until he CHOKED on the appearance of Olly. Who then sat with Miss Charlotte and furthermore confirmed the boyfriend theory. This was going to be revolting. He didn't want to be here and WITNESS a date. He didn't want to -- ugh. Could he leave now? No..no..he couldn't. He was here because it was Davie's tea party and he felt obliged to stay, but he really didn't want to witness the first years having a fully married life at the same table he was at.
G R O S S.
And he really just didn't like Olly whatsoever.
But the dress code was NOT what he was wearing. GROSS. "Hi Ava." He patted the seat beside him and smiled.
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