Post 5 - #50 #ijustreallywantedtofinishanactivityforonce Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB As Davie rounded the bend for the last target, he heard Thereos calling for the lesson to end and for everyone to turn in their bows. But he wasn't done yet! He was so close to getting a passing score, passing for him, anyway, and now he did it as he neared the fifth and final target.
Letting his arrow fly just as the centaur called time, Davie watched with amazement as he again got a bullseye. Awww, man, why did they have to burn the thing that had taken them so long to make? He'd even NAMED his bow, for Circe's sake. This was pointless! Stupid! Not fair!
Davie frowned deeply as he came to a stop from his arrow run and fell in line with the others getting un-transfigured. What a bummer end to an otherwise useful lesson. Once he had his two legs back, the first year glumly tossed his bow on the pile with the others. If he had known how to do the duplication spell, so he could keep the original and the centaurs could have the copy, he would. But he wasn't that advanced yet, so he simply picked up his bag and made his way back up to the castle, kicking a rock ahead of him as he went. Stupid centaurs. Who thought they were great anyway? Unicorns were better. Even baby unicorns, and they didn't even LIKE boys.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |