Blaise and the Roo! <3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi listened keenly to Dakest. Okay, yeah. Maybe, jut maybe, he had been reluctant to throw the more dangerous spells at Cutty but he would feel that way for all his friends. No dangerous ones unless he was up against someone evil.
He watched with interest as Dakest called upon five students to help him out with the activity. Hmmm. Interesting! Adi's eyes flicked to Roo and Blaise. There just had to be a spell holding those mugs to their heads. The basic Sticking charm, maybe? "Finite!'' he thought, raising his wand and aiming for Blaise's mug. Another silent incantation was cast. The Knockback Jinx this time. Here's to hoping for good results!