Activity 1 - Post 2 ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Stretching out of the way, Paulina was ready to move on to the tongue-twisters. Has she ever mentioned that she didn't like tongue-twisters? She always stumbled over them and ended up making big mistakes. Thank Merlin they had been asked to speak clearly and pronounce every word; that meant that she could go slowly and there was no way she could mess up and embarrass herself. "Less-er leath-er never weath-er-ed wett-er weath-er bett-er."
So far so good, but the next one would be harder as well as nonsensical. "I thought... I thought... of thinking of... thanking you."
And now another one that didn't make any sense: "Can you... can a can... as a canner can... can a can?"
Thank goodness she was on the last one and it so happened to be the only one on the list that she was familiar with. That meant that Paulina had no trouble at all saying it properly. "She sells seashells by the sea shore." |