Thread: Greenhouses
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Old 10-27-2015, 04:03 PM   #73 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
Default Post 3.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

Owen returned the beam with one of his own before returning to his work. Digging further, he came across remnants of feathers. Whoa. Were those birdy feathers? He wasn't sure. But they were light in color. Maybe Professor Myers had birdy pets? Hmm... Owen decided let that matter slide for now as he continued to dig and dig. Fruits peels, more leaves, a few bits of paper, more more more dry leaves. It looked like this compost was mostly composed of leaves.

And that was it.

Owen gathered all the compost back into the crate, making sure there was no spillage or whatnot, pulled off his gloves and sat back next to the crate. Listing time! He pulled off the card from earlier and started to fill it up.

Name: Owen Thyago Montezor
Year: First
House: Hufflepuff

Compost Crate #38


  • Banana peels (a fair amount)
  • Feathers (a good number of them)

  • Leaves (lots of them)
  • Paper (a few bits)

Conclusion: It's a good combination of carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich things.

...and ending that with a SMILEY just because. Owen was not entirely sure about how he segregated the things he discovered on the compost but he trusted his instincts.

Speaking of instincts, they were telling him that he just found a new great friend. Owen chanced a look at his companion and suddenly had an idea. "Um, Miss Tia, I'm going to get some worms from the bucket out front. I can grab some along for you too." Nothing like worms to celebrate a friendship, eh?

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