Post 3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Now for the final part of this activity.
Adi yet again followed Beatrice's instructions by closing his eyes this time around. He could still hear his classmates finishing up on the tongue twisters. He wished he could trying saying them super fast but right now he had to focus. Adi opted to think about black because black was, you got it! It was awesome! It was usually the colour of rock and roll.
And then his thoughts were switching to the ocean. The caaaalm blue ocean but then there was a green elephant invading like Beatrice said. Hi, elephant! You were the object of this Puffer's thoughts. Look at you wading through that water, green against blue. What's that? You wanted to swim? By all means, go ahead and do so!
Wheee! This was easy to do when your mind was calm and clear.