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Beatrice was weaving between some other students, looking at their lovely work, when Thereos announced the next part of the lesson. The reason for her being there. Although, in all honesty, she was certainly learning.
But now onto one of her favourite things... Human transfiguration. She gave Thereos a small smile and nod as he looked towards her and Cosgrach, and pulled her wand from her pocket. And who was the first lucky duck she was to transfigure?
She looked towards the first student in the line, and with a smile said "Hello dear." She tapped her fingers to her chin and looked at them. She had never used this spell to transfigure a humans legs into that of a centaurs. But she had spent the first bit of the lesson studying Thereos and his legs, which were firm in her mind. Pointing her wand down towards their legs, she took a deep breath in. "Bestiar legs," she said, clearly picturing the centaur legs as she looked at the students own set, swishing her wand at them. The effect was transfiguring them from two human legs to four centaur legs. And with a big smile she looked back at them. "How does that feel?" she asked them.
OOC: this was Beatrice's post! If you would like Professor York to be the one transfiguring your character's legs into those of a centaur, please use this post and pretend you were next in the line.
As soon as he was done making his bow, Olly hurried over to professor York. This was the most exciting thing he had ever done. He was going to be transformed into a CENTAUR! Who else could say they'd had that happen to them? He waited in line eagerly for his transformation.
Woah. It felt so weird to have legs like a centaur. It wasn't anything like when he'd transformed into a fox earlier in the year. He still had the top part of his human body, but the bottom of his body was long and he had four feet. Hooves. He took a step forward and stumbled. So he walked slowly as he followed the centaur professor toward the archery stuff. It was hard to get used to having so many more legs than usual.
When it was his turn to go, Olly took the satchel from the student who went before him. He'd never done archery before. That fact, combined with his still unfamiliar body, meant he probably would not be very good. Olly readied his first arrow in his bow and aimed at the first target. He released, and watched as the arrow flew toward the target. It hit around the outer circle. He was actually pretty impressed that he managed to hit it at all.