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Interesting ideas was one way to put it, though he knew he couldn't advise and influence the piece too greatly, or else Emily just wouldn't buy it. But maybe a tweak here or there could be done. He'd have to see what Sabel wrote about him first of all.
Everything was FINE, one minute, GREAT even... and the walk was nice and relaxing and ... BAM.
HOW did he know that name? ........
He'd have answered straight away, except that Sabel suddenly didn't look too well. Like, he looked a little... flat. "Are you okay?" he asked instead, happy to avoid conversations of befriending Dark Wizards for the time being. Though, he knew NOW they weren't REALLY friends...
No. He was not okay. But no, Zeke didn't need to know that. In fact, the mere situation of the kid asking
him that question was a point he should probably have looked at and evaluated. It wouldn't do to let the students see, to let anyone see really. If he had cared particularly about that, at that moment, more than anything else, he might have schooled himself.
As it was, he cared more about something else. He cared more about how the kid knew that cursed name, and
why he was avoiding the question.
"Zeke. How do you know him?" Of him. Him. Did it really matter?