~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi watched with pride as Owen tried again. And his tactic worked! Of course it did. He had figured out it was best to encourage students by playing to their strengths and likes during those times at coaching at his cricket club. With Owen, one of his passions was food soooo, that's why his broomstick had become a sandwich. Hehe. "No problem, Owen! Keep your focus and if necessary, use food as motivation.'' Adi winked just as Tanner got his attention. "It works like magic every time, Professor!'' Ehem... was this a hint for her to have food sometime during her classes? Maybe. Sooo, who else needed some help and motivation? "You alright?'' he called to Yoongi. Adi had seen the forehead rub but had missed the epic bang from earlier. Pity.