~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi saw Benny looking over as he carved the name into the bow and grinned over at him. Yep, it was named after you, bestie. Now that he was done, the Puff had time to admire his handiwork and to occasionally look over to see how Benny was coming along. Especially at the name carving. Adi couldn't wait to see what name had been thought of! Ohh, it had the word 'Sun' in there! That's what his first name translated to in English! "Brilliant name!'' he happily said to Benny. Yep, it had his approval stamped all over it! Hehe.
But they were moving on! And whut? They would be mimicking centaurs? Uhh, okay then? "Think I'm going to go for Professor Bee,'' Adi told Benny. Because he couldn't look Myers in the face from earlier and neither could he do that for Culloden with him being his Head of House. Beatrice was more likely to don't give him death glares or something similar.
"Hi, Professor!'' Adi smiled brightly at the woman. She was always so cheerful and positive and he could do with some of that right now since his seemed to be broken. Sooo, what now? He waited on Beatrice to help him out here.